Making magical Christmas photos can be as simple as 1-2-Overlay! Alot of times, I take photos over the course of the year that I may not do much with or just kind of sit on the hard drive. I know many of you probably have the same thing going on. Well what to do with some of these pictures just lying around on the hard drive? Well I decided that with a lil Holiday overlays magic, I could turn those images into great Holiday portraits and greetings! Sometime making the right overlay can be hard, especially the snow fall so it looks realistic! With my easy guide, learn how to incorporate overlays into your next project and how to make realistic now! So grab your favorite picture and download my hand selected overlays HERE to begin! I picked this photo of my daughter that I had taken just for fun earlier in the year. I used a vinyl backdrop with a wood texture printed on it and one softbox with a Neewer C-250 off to the subjects right. Camera settings I...
Lifestyle and photography by Lauren MacLeod