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Photoshop Holiday Overlay how to guide

Making magical Christmas photos can be as simple as 1-2-Overlay!

Alot of times, I take photos over the course of the year that I may not do much with or just kind of sit on the hard drive. I know many of you probably have the same thing going on. Well what to do with some of these pictures just lying around on the hard drive? Well I decided that with a lil Holiday overlays magic, I could turn those images into great Holiday portraits and greetings! Sometime making the right overlay can be hard, especially the snow fall so it looks realistic!  With my easy guide, learn how to incorporate overlays into your next project and how to make realistic now!

So grab your favorite picture and download my hand selected overlays HERE to begin!

I picked this photo of my daughter that I had taken just for fun earlier in the year. I used a vinyl backdrop with a wood texture printed on it and one softbox with a Neewer C-250 off to the subjects right.
Camera settings ISO-100 40mm 4.0/f at 1/200sec

Step1. Download your overlays and locate the folder containing the images. If you download my overlays, then the next step is as easy as dragging and dropping the overlay into your current photoshop project. I started with a set of Reindeer. available HERE

Step2. I added a layer mask to my reindeer layer and used a soft black brush at 70% opacity to brush away part of the grass in the overlay that was on top of her dress. You can do this by going to the bottom right hand corner of your editing panel and clicking the square with the little black dot.

Step3. Add antlers  by repeating step 1

Step 4. The challenge of making real snow is making it look like its moving. This is very easy however! To create your own snow fall your going to go to Layer<New<Layer and with a SOFT brush set to 80% flow, dot in snowflakes of various sizes.

If you want to skip this setep, Download my ready made snowfall HERE

STEP4. To make the snowfall look real, your going to want to give it a little blur. Go to Filter<blur<motion blur For best results, set your blur on an angle using the angle panel and adjust the distance till you get a slight blur.

THATS IT!!! you now have your very own Holiday magic overlay picture with real looking snow!

Get all the overlays you saw in this tutorial HERE and make sure to subscribe at


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