From drab to fab with Rit Dyemore!
Reinventing retro and vintage clothing
Videos and photography by: La Ren Originals
How often do you look in your closet and think, “I wish i could update my wardrobe.”? Do you have vintage or retro pieces that are stained or just unflattering? No need to buy new clothing, you just have to get creative!
If you have a dress that has sleeves, and have gotten your use out of it, that's when it's perfect to cut the sleeves off and make it a summer dress. Another option would be to add length or shorten a piece. Doing things like this will keep your wardrobe current for each season. I'm sure most of you have that one dress you wore once, and it's been sitting in your closet since side ponytails were cool. Sometimes all you need is a broach, flower, or adding a nice trim. But when adding accessories doesn't cut it, re-vamp them by dying them.
In the example below we took this retro wedding dress and transformed it into a glamourous evening gown. We used Rit brand “dyemore” line in graphite, and royal purple. We then mixed that with one bottle of regular Rit dye. Watch the video below to see how you can do it too.
The Rit Dyemore line was made for dying synthetics, so this worked out perfectly with the inner shell of our retro dress. As you can see in the pictures and video, the outter lace which was not synthetic, accepted the straight black dye while the inner 100% polyester shell accepted the purple and graphite. The difference between their regular dyes and the dyemore line, is that synthetics must be heated and boiled into the dye as opposed to Rit's regular dyes which will accept cottons and certains blends with hot water from the washing machine. In our dress makeover, we used boiled water, but instead of leaving it on the stove to simmer, we let the dress rest in the water for about an hour off the burner. The tulle bottom was dyed separately in the same mix. We didnt care for the length of the dress, thinking it was a tad too short. In resewing the tulle we added a 6 inches panel under the beaded upper portion, making it the perfect length for evening glamour!
All together, Rit Dymore line came through in its promise to dye 100% polyester and other synthetics, even the beading on the dress accepted the royal purple and graphite without any fuss. We highly recommend using the Rit dye lines to revamp those old pieces in your closet sitting around and needing some love! We hope you enjoyed our post and video! Please of course subscribe to our youtube channel and check us out on facebook for all the latest updates!
Check out below the gorgeous Miss Marina Elaine modeling our dress in a recent photoshoot!
Makeup by MiMi Morona YouTube
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