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Traveling to Everglades National Park, Florida

This past weekend on the 11th was my birthday! As a treat, I begun my first leg of the Everglades loop, which I plan to eventually travel the entire span of. The weather was beautiful and the skies clear, which made for some very beautiful photos!

We begun our trip by driving down to homestead! The drive was nice and only took us a little over an hour.

Entering Everglades national Park

When entering the park, there are vast expanses of fields, and prior to getting into the park you pass a bunch of farm land. Its a ever present reminder that industry is itching to take the Everglades lands and produce on them. Without the lands being protected, I have a feeling they would quickly disappear.

Our first stop was at the Visitors Center.

The Ernest F. Coe Visitor Center

The Ernest F. Coe Visitor Center Gallery in Everglades National Park features monthly exhibits which highlight the Park's unique natural and cultural resources. Monthly exhibits feature the work of various artists including local students of all ages. The gallery is also a venue for the Park to highlight specific events, programs, and/or collections.
Mission-The mission of the gallery is to educate, enhance and enrich the visitor's understanding and experience of Everglades National Park through quality Everglades' specific exhibits; foster a unique opportunity for the future generations of Park stewards to learn about the Everglades
Directions: It is free to enter the Ernest F. Coe Visitor Center and view the exhibit. The center is open seven days a week from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The main entrance is located at 40001 State Road 9336, approximately 10 miles southwest of Florida City.

From there, we headed down the main road to the Anhinga Trail.  We saw plenty of wildlife along the Anhinga Trail, a world famous boardwalk trail bordering Taylor Slough.

Moth landing on branch

Some kind of Heron maybe, going for a swim

Another wetlands bird, see the webbed feet?

alligator in florida national everglades park

school of fish in everglades national park

 Anhinga Trail boardwalk

It was a beautiful day for viewing wildlife out on the trail. Alligator mating season is beginning soon and there were plenty of gators in the water looking for mates. On our short walk, I think my husband counted 26 alligators!!!

Our next stop was a little further down the road, to the Mahogany Hammocks. Here I was able to capture a lot of flora and fauna pictures!

 Mahogany Hammocks Boardwalk

button thistle 

The one and only Everglades has many adventures to offer. Take a short walk on the Anhinga Trail to spot abundant wildlife -- turtles, herons and alligators! Climb atop Shark Valley's 65-foot observation tower for a bird's eye view of the glades. Glide over Florida Bay by tour boat or kayak for a chance to glimpse a crocodile, manatee, or dolphin. Watch as the sun sets over Flamingo, the southernmost point in mainland Florida. Explore the pinelands by bike, paddle among the mangroves on Nine-Mile Pond, or tour the historic Nike Hercules missile base. Join a ranger on a slough slog deep into the heart of a cypress dome. Find solitude on your own on a week-long canoe trip, camping along the 99-mile Wilderness Waterway.
Be Prepared
Visiting the Everglades National park requires a bit of planning. The Florida Everglades, located in South Florida, is one of the largest wetlands in the world and it is the largest subtropical wilderness in the United States. The Everglades National Park covers over 1.5 million acres.


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